Tag: English

Finding Happiness

Jacqueline Trimble

From the 2021 Collegian | Dr. Jacqueline Trimble’s first impulse after learning to read was to write, so at the age of six, she wrote her first piece of work: a one-paragraph autobiography. Though she talks fondly of the memory now, her accomplishments assure she has much more to add. Trimble, who earned her masters and PhD at UA and serves as the chair of Alabama State University’s department of languages and literatures, was one of only 35 selected as […]

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Summer Reading List 2021

Reading is proven to reduce stress and increase relaxation. As you relax during the summer months, enjoy these books written by six A&S faculty, current and emeritus, from several departments: Walking on Cowrie Shells By Nana Nkweti (English, nnkweti@ua.edu) A finalist for the AKO Caine Prize for African Writing, Nana Nkweti’s dazzling debut story collection pulls from mystery, horror, realism, myth, and graphic novels. Walking on Cowrie Shells showcases complex and vibrant characters in a mix of stories from a […]

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