Queen of Carbon Science to Speak at UA

Dr. Mildred Dresselhaus, an internationally known physicist and professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, will present a colloquium, “Graphene for Enhancement of Raman Effect”  at The University of Alabama Wednesday, Nov. 5 at 3:45 p.m. in room 227 of Gallalee Hall. The talk is free and open to the public. Dresselhaus is noted for her work in the thermal transport of naonstructures and the study of phonon and electronic-phonons. Phonons play a major role in condensed matter’s physical properties, such as […]

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UA Hosts Academic Officers of National Consortium

A college career can be about exploration, about setting no limits other than one’s own. That spirit of innovation is showcased when The University of Alabama’s New College hosts the academic officers of the Consortium for Innovative Environments in Learning Nov. 6-8 in room 202 of Lloyd Hall. CIEL is a national consortium of New College-like institutions. Their mission is to explore the nature, origins and sustainability of innovation in higher education and advocate for innovative, alternative practices. “CIEL is an […]

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Journalist to Give ALLELE Lecture on Nov. 6

Chris Mooney, science and political journalist, will host the next lecture in the ALLELE (Alabama Lectures on Life’s Evolution) series on Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. in the Biology Building auditorium. Mooney’s lecture entitled “The Science of Why We Deny Science” will focus on the reasons people often do not accept the facts and research scientists put forth. He especially focuses on the intersection between science and politics and how they correlate and develop public understanding and acceptance of science. […]

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Blount Undergraduate Initiative Celebrates 15 Years

To coincide with Blount’s 15-year anniversary, the College of Arts and Sciences will host a day of activities for all former and current Blount scholars in Oliver-Bernard Hall on Nov. 1. Any current or former students who signed Blount’s “Book of Scholars” as freshmen are invited, as well as any faculty or administrators linked to the program throughout its history. “It’s going to be interesting,” said Dr. Joseph Hornsby, director of the program. “We’ve set up the program so that every […]

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UA Faculty Discuss Alabama Greece Initiative Experience

Ever wanted to eat lunch at the foot of the Acropolis in Athens, Greece? Or study ancient Greek literature beneath a statue of Alexander the Great? Each year, UA faculty and students are invited to apply for the Alabama Greece Initiative, which allows them to travel to Greece in order to study and conduct research on topics of their choice. On Oct. 22, a group of UA professors who participated in the Alabama Greece Initiative this year held a symposium to […]

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Criminal Justice to Host Interactive Discussion on Ferguson, Mo. Events

Scholars, law enforcement officials and community activists will participate in “From the Station to the Sidewalks: An Informed Discussion of Police and Community Relations in Light of Ferguson,” a panel discussion to be held Oct. 27 on the University of Alabama campus. UA faculty, students and members of the community are invited to attend the discussion, which will begin at 6 p.m. in room 120 of Farrah Hall. Panelists include Chris England, Alabama House of Representatives; Deloris Warrick, former president […]

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Alabama Greece Initiative

UA Faculty to Discuss Collaborative Projects University of Alabama faculty members who traveled to Thessaloniki, Greece, in May will participate in a symposium Oct. 22 in which they will discuss their ongoing collaborative projects with faculty at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. The symposium is designed to inform and aid other UA faculty members in building relationships with potential collaborators at Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.  The symposium will be held from 1:30-3 p.m. in room 205 of Gorgas Library and is […]

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The Ebola Crisis

Virologist and National Academy of Sciences Member Michael Oldstone to Present Lecture at UA Dr. Michael B.A. Oldstone, a National Academy of Sciences member and a UA visiting professor, will present “Ebola: The Current Plague and Crisis,” on the UA campus Oct. 22. The lecture will be held in 205 Smith Hall at 4 p.m. and is free and open to the public. Oldstone, a professor and head of the viral-immunobiology laboratory in the department of immunology and microbial science […]

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Understanding Russia

Lecture series explores nation’s place in the modern world Are human beings any different from frogs? According to Dr. Andrew Drozd, this question appears often in the literature of great Russian authors of the 19th century, and the answer is almost always a resounding “No.” Monday, September 15, the associate professor of Russian spoke to a group of students about this philosophical conundrum, using the archetype of doctors in the worlds constructed by authors like Tolstoy, Turgenev, and Dostoevsky. His […]

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Pharmacology Expert to Speak at Shelby

The chemistry department welcomes Shaun Stauffer, research assistant professor of pharmacology at Vanderbilt University, for a seminar on drug development Oct. 9 from 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. in Shelby Hall room 1093. The seminar, “Collaborative Drug Discovery and Probe Development in Academia,” will focus on Stauffer’s research on drug development. On top of the speech, Stauffer will meet with faculty to discuss research topics. Kevin Shaughnessy, chemistry department chair at UA, said having speakers outside the University visit gives […]

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