A&S in the News: November 19-25, 2017

August: Osage County Theater Review: Cast, crew generate hilarity, hysteria: Tuscaloosa News – Nov. 19 Dianne Teague. Dianne Teague. Dianne Teague. If saying her name three times would magically make her appear in every show from here on out, consider that an incantation. It’s tempting to review “August: Osage County,” the searing production of Tracy Letts’ Pulitzer-winning dark comic-drama at The University of Alabama Department of Theatre and Dance, simply by saying “Dianne Teague is in it.” What else do you […]

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A&S in the News: November 12-18, 2017

Roy Moore Are evangelical voters giving a ‘blank check’ to Roy Moore?: Al.com – Nov. 12 Roy Moore has been a darling among the Protestant evangelical voter ever since his first social crusade in refusing to remove his Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery … The “evangelical voter” is a “nebulous term” that can include Southern Baptists, but also includes Pentecostal or the Holiness side of American Protestantism, according to Michael Altman, a religious studies professor at […]

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A&S in the News: November 5-11, 2017

Visiting Writers Series Author T Cooper to speak to students: Crimson White – Nov. 5 Who: T Cooper is the author of six novels and has appeared in publications such as The New York Times, CNN.com, OPRAH magazine and many more. What: A free event where T Cooper will be speaking about his novels and time as an author … Anyone interested in writing or reading is encouraged to go to this free event hosted by the College of Arts and […]

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A&S in the News: October 29-November 4, 2017

Supremacist Rallies Roadshow of hate: Travelers fuel rallies: New York Times – Oct. 29 White nationalist and provocateur Richard Spencer had left the University of Florida on Oct. 19 when the day’s most serious trouble erupted just beyond the campus … “My general take is that the number of people who are highly motivated and dedicated to this stuff are relatively small in number,” said George Hawley, who teaches political science at The University of Alabama and is the author of […]

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A&S in the News: October 22-28, 2017

The Protestant Reformation The Port Rail: Luther and the storm that remade the world: Tuscaloosa News – Oct. 22 I encourage you to attend a celebration on Monday, Oct. 30, of the life and times of Martin Luther, the father of the Protestant Reformation. The event, at the University of Alabama Moody Music Building, begins with a reception and book exhibit at 5 p.m. and follows with a program at 6 p.m. on “The Protestant Reformation, 1517-2017, 500 Years of Faith, […]

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A&S in the News: October 15-21, 2017

ALLELE Kirsti Curry Rogers brings dinosaurs to life for students: Crimson White – Oct. 15 A renowned vertebrate paleontologist addressed a full audience of University of Alabama students and faculty members on Thursday, speaking about her work studying dinosaurs. It was the second lecture in the ALLELE seminar series, which focuses on teaching the Alabama public about evolutionary sciences. “I am always happy to talk to people interested in science,” said speaker Kirsti Curry Rogers. Josh Mandel Why is this Jewish […]

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We’re evaluating our website, and we’d like your help. Complete our usability assessment today!

Since launching the current College of Arts and Sciences website in early 2016, the Office of Educational Technology (eTech) has made numerous changes in response to surveys and users’ comments. Now, we’re seeking more formal, data-driven feedback via an online usability study, so we can evaluate the site and better serve our key user groups: students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends. The study is entirely anonymous and web-based: Users answer questions and complete tasks that require them to navigate from […]

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A&S in the News: October 8-14, 2017

Mass Immigration By the numbers: Mass immigration still favors Democrats, especially on big government: Liberty Unyielding – Oct. 8 In the age of President Donald Trump, there are a few propositions that unite the establishment and progressive wings of the Democratic Party. One of them is that lots of immigration — legal and illegal — is good for America … Hispanics think abortion should be against the law. And, as The University of Alabama political scientist George Hawley notes, there is […]

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A&S in the News: October 1-7, 2017

Weight Loss Behavior Weight man-age-ment: Psychology Today – Oct. 1 My training as a clinical psychologist requires rotating through various clinical settings—hospitals, inpatient facilities, community and university health centers—to hone my skills. In my current capacity as a behaviorist at a weight loss medicine clinic, I work alongside patients to identify their weight loss goals and modify the behaviors sabotaging them. (Christina Pierpaoli Parker, MA, is fourth-year graduate student in the Clinical Geropsychology doctoral program at The University of Alabama under […]

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A&S in the News: September 24-30, 2017

Accelerated Master’s Program Large university begins incentivizing math education: ECampus News – Sept. 24 The University of Alabama has created a new pathway to get the best and brightest minds into secondary mathematics teacher education. The Alabama State Department of Education recently approved a new UA accelerated master’s program that will allow select undergraduate math and math education majors to complete master’s degree requirements and achieve teacher certification simultaneously. Robert E. Lee The myth of Robert E. Lee and the “good” […]

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