Tag: Desktop News October 2018

UA Research to Study Impact ‘War on Drugs’ Has on Smuggling Routes

Nicholas Magliocca

From the October 2018 Desktop News | Researchers at UA are bringing together their expertise in geography, modeling, and criminal activity to better understand how enforcement activity influences drug trafficking in Central America. The project is one of nine recently funded by the National Science Foundation to advance the scientific understanding of how such illicit supply networks function – and how to dismantle them. The new awards support research that combine engineering with computer, physical, and social sciences to address a danger […]

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UA Awarded Grant to Study Communication in Intimate Partnerships

From left: Drs. Josh Pederson, Sonya Pritzker and Jason DeCaro

From the October 2018 Desktop News | Three UA professors have been awarded a grant of more than $300,000 from the National Science Foundation to study the relationship between communication and physiological responses in intimate partnerships. The study is a collaborative work of Drs. Sonya Pritzker and Jason DeCaro, of the department of anthropology, and Dr. Josh Pederson, of the department of communication studies. DeCaro, Pederson, and Pritzker will observe 50 couples by combining nine hours of in-home video observation with moment-to-moment […]

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Applied Mathematicians Win NSF Grants and Host International Conference

Drs. Shibin Dai and Shan Zhao recently received two grants, worth more than $300,000, from the National Science Foundation to fund their research in applied mathematics. The two are serving on the organizing committee for the 2019 international National Science Foundation conference on mathematical molecular bioscience and biophysics.

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Music Education Professor Honored with Distinguished Service Award

From the October 2018 Desktop News | Dr. Carl Hancock, a music education professor at the University, was awarded the Barbra Odom Distinguished Service Award by the Alabama Music Educators Association, a statewide organization focused on expanding music education in every age group. The award, considered the most prestigious given by the association, is presented to a person who has “clearly given very special service to AMEA,” is “clearly recognizable statewide,” and whose service “represents a long-range commitment that, in every way, […]

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