Tag: Department of Political Science

Students Return from Cuba

From the May 2015 Desktop News | A group of UA students recently returned from spending a semester studying in Cuba, where they learned about U.S./Cuba relations and history and visited historic sites, including the Bay of Pigs and the Hemingway House. Six students were enrolled in the study abroad semester, which ran from Jan. 28 to May 3. “Study abroad is a vital part of any student’s education,” said Mike Schnepf, professor in the Department of Modern Languages and […]

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14 Graduates Receive Fulbright Awards

From the May 2015 Desktop News | A record 14 University of Alabama graduates have won Fulbright awards for 2015-2016. All are alumni of the College of Arts and Sciences. Thirteen UA graduates won awards as teaching assistants to conduct research and teach abroad, and one UA graduate received a Fulbright research award. The highly competitive Fulbright U.S. Student Program provides grants for individual research projects and for English teaching assistantships. More than 11,000 applicants compete for approximately 1,500 awards […]

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College Establishes New Academic Minors

From the April 2015 Desktop News | Two interdisciplinary minors focused on burgeoning academic fields have been created and can be pursued by students beginning in fall 2015. The first, cybercrime, will combine classes on the technical aspects of thwarting cyber attacks and processing digital forensic evidence with classes on understanding criminal motivations. The second, Latin American, Caribbean and Latino studies, will allow students to explore the social, cultural, linguistic, political, economic and biological diversity of nations that make up […]

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International Relations Club Recognized

From the February 2015 Desktop News | The Alabama International Relations Club at UA was recently named the Most Outstanding Large Delegation at the Harvard National Model United Nations-Latin America conference in Lima, Peru, the premier conference in South America. A group of 10 UA students traveled to the weeklong event, where they debated international politics and discussed solutions to critical global issues with some 500 students from universities around the world. The club received the Most Outstanding Large Delegation award […]

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Former Roommates Establish Scholarship

From the December 2014 edition of Desktop News | Four College of Arts and Sciences alumni have established a foundation to provide scholarships for graduate students committed to public service. The 308 Grace Street Foundation is named in honor of three founders’ college apartment. From 1993 to 1996, Jason Wible, Brian Carver and David Harris were roommates living in Apt. 349 at 308 Grace Street. Now, their shared space has become the namesake of a nonprofit scholarship program funded by […]

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Blount Undergraduate Initiative Celebrates 15 Years

It’s a weighty question. What was the most important thing you did while you were in college? For a small group of students in UA’s College of Arts and Sciences, the answer is often instantaneous and simple: The Blount Undergraduate Initiative. Although the four-year liberal arts program comprises a mere 20 percent of each participating student’s course of study, giving each student a minor in the liberal arts, Director Joe Hornsby said he hears the same message from graduating seniors […]

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Alumni Recognize Professor’s Influence

From the August 2014 Desktop News | Decades after they were taught by political science Professor Barbara Chotiner, alumni still attest to her influence on their lives and careers. During Chotiner’s retirement reception June 18 at The University of Alabama President’s Mansion, faculty members in the department read excerpts from letters from former students who, even 30 years later, said they remembered and were still influenced by Chotiner’s teachings. Chotiner said the letters were very humbling and a great honor […]

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Students Named Fulbright Scholars

From the July 2014 Desktop News | Six recent graduates of the College were awarded Fulbright grants from the U.S. State Department to conduct research and teach abroad during the 2014-2015 school year. They were among 1,800 students chosen from a pool of 11,000 applicants nationwide. “For the College to have not one, but six students chosen for prestigious 2014-2015 Fulbright grants speaks very highly not only of these young men and women, but of the College faculty who have […]

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Practicing Public Service

From the June 2014 Desktop News | Twenty-nine UA students are spending the summer in Washington, D.C., in internships at the White House, the Smithsonian Institute, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and offices of congressmen. Dubbed the Washington Experience, which is coordinated annually by Dr. Michael New, an adjunct professor in the Department of Political Science, the internships offer students the chance to try out a career in public service and gain practical experience. Cari Grace Lutkins, a UA junior majoring in […]

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New Book Recognized for Unconventional Approach

From the 2014 Celebrating Excellence | When Assistant Professor of Political Science Daniel Levine received his first copy of Recovering International Relations, a book he’d worked on for years, he couldn’t quite believe it. Merely having it in his hands – a book fueled by his former dream of working in Israeli politics and by his experiences living in Israel – satisfied him. And then the awards came. In June, Levine won the 2013 Sussex International Theory Prize, an award […]

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