Tag: Ambassadors

UA Alumnus Named Eisenhower Global Scholar

John Richardson, a May 2024 graduate of The University of Alabama, was one of four in the nation to be named an Eisenhower Global Scholar. A former UA Honors College student, Richardson studied history, with a concentration on law and legal studies, and political science with a dual minor in social innovation and leadership, and sales.

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Ambassador Spotlight: Alexa Kays 

Desktop News | May 2023 Alexa Kays, a College of Arts and Sciences student, exemplifies the power of active participation in campus activities. As a dedicated International Studies and Dance major and Italian minor on the Pre-Law track, Kays has immersed herself in a diverse range of organizations and activities, resulting in transformative experiences and career opportunities.  In her role as the Vice President of the College of Arts and Sciences Ambassador Program, Kays has had the opportunity to connect […]

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Ambassador Spotlight: Austyn West

Desktop News | March 2023 Austyn West, a student in the College of Arts and Science, is determined to make the most of his college experience despite the challenges he faced as a first-generation student. West has put himself through college with hard work and dedication, balancing his academic responsibilities with extracurricular activities. He is dedicated to taking advantage of all the opportunities college offers and hopes to encourage the same feeling in other students.   Initially, West found it challenging […]

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Being the Change

Brittany Hamner in her classroom

From the 2021 Collegian | When Brittany Hamner graduated from UA in May 2021, she walked across the stage prepared to take on the world. The 2020 Campbell-Portera Scholarship winner had spent the past four years learning all that she could, getting involved in multiple organizations on campus, and making memories that will last a lifetime.   Hamner, a Tuscaloosa native and first-generation college student, decided to go to UA to be close to her large, tight-knit family. UA gave her the opportunity […]

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A&S Ambassadors Give Back to Tuscaloosa

From the March 2021 Desktop News | The College of Arts and Sciences Ambassadors have always had a strong community, regularly doing service projects together on top of their duties of meeting with prospective students, donors, and more. When the pandemic hit, the inability to gather in a large group brought some of their normal work to a halt. However, it led to their new community engagement groups, an idea that would further strengthen that community and their connection to […]

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