Category: News

Articles about news in the College, from student and faculty accomplishments to research advances, new academic programs, and the impact of giving.

New UA Cybercrime Lab Launched

From the July 2014 Desktop News | As computer-based crimes become more prevalent, local law enforcement agencies need the technology to gather and access digital evidence of those crimes. Dr. Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar, assistant professor of criminal justice, will serve as an academic liaison for a new digital forensics crime lab at UA. Created through a partnership between the Department of Criminal Justice and local law enforcement agencies, the lab will assist local, and possibly national, law enforcement officials with processing […]

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Students Named Fulbright Scholars

From the July 2014 Desktop News | Six recent graduates of the College were awarded Fulbright grants from the U.S. State Department to conduct research and teach abroad during the 2014-2015 school year. They were among 1,800 students chosen from a pool of 11,000 applicants nationwide. “For the College to have not one, but six students chosen for prestigious 2014-2015 Fulbright grants speaks very highly not only of these young men and women, but of the College faculty who have […]

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Meeting of the Minds

From the July 2014 Desktop News | Imagine meeting the winner of a Nobel Prize. Now imagine spending an entire week with 38 Nobel Prize winners. That is the opportunity of a lifetime that Brandon Hill, a doctoral student in the Department of Biological Sciences, had this summer. Along with about 600 other young researchers from 80 countries, Hill was selected from a group of some 1,500 applicants to attend the 2014 Lindau Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, […]

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German Professor Receives State Awards

From the July 2014 Desktop News | Dr. Rasma Lazda, associate professor in the Department of Modern Languages and Classics, received two statewide teaching awards this year. She received in February the Outstanding Post-Secondary Teacher Award from the Alabama Association of Foreign Language Teachers. She also received the award in 2003 and was selected from all foreign language teachers working in post-secondary education in Alabama. She also received this year the Dr. Barbara Fischer Education Award from the Alabama Germany […]

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Summer Reading List

What are you reading this summer? Here are eight books by College faculty — plus the latest by distinguished scientist and UA alumnus Dr. Edward O. Wilson.   These books by faculty members in the College’s humanities and social sciences departments represent a tiny sampling of the hundreds of publications produced by A&S faculty each academic year. Baptized in PCBs: Race, Pollution, and Justice in an All-American Town, Ellen Spears In the mid-1990s, residents of Anniston, Ala., began a legal fight against the […]

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Make This Site Better — Complete Our Usability Test

Since launching the new College of Arts and Sciences website in February 2013, the Office of Educational Technology (eTech) has made numerous changes in response to surveys, informal requests, and users’ comments. Now, a little over a year since the site went live, we’re seeking more formal, data-driven feedback via online usability testing. “Usability testing” is a broad term that encompasses many means of evaluating a website’s user-friendliness — the speed and ease with which visitors find the information they’re looking for. […]

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Anthropologist Awarded Fulbright Grant

From the June 2014 Desktop News | A UA researcher will spend the next year examining the resurgence of interest in Jewish culture in Poland with the goal of understanding the space Jews fill in Polish history. Dr. Marysia Galbraith, associate professor in New College and the Department of Anthropology, will spend the 2014-2015 school year teaching and conducting research in Poland as a Fulbright scholar. The grant supports nine months of research and teaching in Poland, though Galbraith will remain in […]

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UA Delegation Travels to Greece

From the June 2014 Desktop News | When someone is truly confused by something, they might say “It’s all Greek to me,” but The University of Alabama Greece Initiative is just the opposite; it’s all about furthering understanding and collaboration between UA and Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. A group of faculty members from the University recently traveled to Greece to meet with representatives from Aristotle University to discuss potential projects on which faculty from both entities could cooperate. “The Alabama Greece […]

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Pain at the Dentist

From the June 2014 Desktop News | How can doctors make patients more comfortable during dental and other medical procedures? A University of Alabama alumnus recently received an award for exploring just such a topic. Dan McNeil, a New College alumnus who earned his bachelor’s, master’s and doctorate degrees from UA, and a current faculty member at West Virginia University, was named a Claude Worthington Benedum Distinguished Scholar, an award that recognizes excellence in research at WVU. McNeil examines the pain that […]

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Practicing Public Service

From the June 2014 Desktop News | Twenty-nine UA students are spending the summer in Washington, D.C., in internships at the White House, the Smithsonian Institute, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and offices of congressmen. Dubbed the Washington Experience, which is coordinated annually by Dr. Michael New, an adjunct professor in the Department of Political Science, the internships offer students the chance to try out a career in public service and gain practical experience. Cari Grace Lutkins, a UA junior majoring in […]

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