Category: A&S in the News

Faculty, students, and staff in the local and national media.

A&S in the News: April 20-26

Alabama Alumni couple donates $5 million to fund pre-med, arts initiatives Tuscaloosa News – April 22 A player on coach Paul W. Bryant’s 1964 national championship football team and his wife have donated more than $5 million to the University of Alabama. The donation will be used to establish a premedical scholars program and art exhibition for current students and alumni. “This is a very exciting day for the University of Alabama and the College of Arts and Sciences,” Dean […]

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A&S in the News: April 14-21

UA students thrive in production of ‘A Chorus Line’ Tuscaloosa News – April 17 To the acting-singing-dancing students in “A Chorus Line,” this is not just another kick line, not just another show. “These kids love it,” said Stacy Alley, associate professor of musical theater and dance at the University of Alabama, who’s directing this week’s production. “They. Love. This. Show. “It’s their life.” Almost literally, though the two dozen of the cast are closer to the opening than the […]

Read More from A&S in the News: April 14-21

A&S in the News: April 1–7

UA group fights human trafficking Tuscaloosa News – April 3 Alabama Interstate 20/59 has been called a superhighway of human trafficking, a criminal industry involving forced labor or sexual exploitation, according to Wellhouse of Birmingham. The University of Alabama’s Criminal Justice Student Association dedicated its efforts in April, which is also Sexual Assault Awareness Month, to fighting the problem of human trafficking.  “Our No. 1 goal is to spread awareness to everyone on campus and the people in the community […]

Read More from A&S in the News: April 1–7

A&S in the News: March 25–31

The Tahri That Binds: How A Sweet Rice Dish Connects A Woman To Her History National Public Radio – March 28 I have always found it difficult to explain my family’s syncretic faith traditions to both white Americans and to other South Asians. We are Hindu Sindhis, originating from an area around the Indus River, in what is now modern southeast Pakistan. On our home altar, familiar Hindu idols — Lakshmi, Ganesh, Krishna — share space with images of the […]

Read More from A&S in the News: March 25–31

A&S in the News: March 11–24

Are you a liberal or a conservative? That may depend on where you live. Washington Post – March 16 What does a strong liberal in Clay County, Fla., have in common with a strong conservative in Denver County, Colo.? Not much, you might guess, considering how politically polarized our nation is. But in fact, these two sometimes hold similar positions on political issues. For example, the average “strong liberal” in Clay County is likely to be slightly against using enhanced […]

Read More from A&S in the News: March 11–24

A&S in the News: Feb. 18-24, 2017

For decades they hid Jefferson’s mistress. Now Monticello is making room for Sally Hemings – Feb. 20 When Jefferson’s critics wrote salacious stories in the early 1800s alleging that the widowed politician had a long-term liaison with one of these slaves, it was said that he kept her “in a room of her own” at Monticello. To pinpoint that room, historians relied on a description provided long ago by a Jefferson grandson, who placed it in the home’s south […]

Read More from A&S in the News: Feb. 18-24, 2017

A&S in the News: February 11–17, 2017

CJ Chair Goes Viral Recently, the Criminal Justice department’s Dr. Lesley Reid has seen her report, “”Urban Crime Rates and the Changing Face of Immigration: Evidence Across Four Decades,” go viral across many news outlets. Dr. Reid was one of several collaborators on the report, which concluded that immigrants tend to commit less crime than their native counterparts. A list of this week’s outlets that referenced the report follows: Newsweek – Feb. 11 Psychology Today – Feb. 11 Democratic Underground – […]

Read More from A&S in the News: February 11–17, 2017

A&S in the News: Feb. 4–10

Bumble bees are changing, and this UA professor asks why – Feb. 8 When reporting on Dr. Jeffrey Lozier, the University of Alabama’s bumble bee expert, it’s best to get the No. 1 myth out of the way up front. No, it’s not a miracle that bumble bees can fly, Lozier said last week. Yes, some people think it is because they look like black and yellow tanks with tiny wings. “They’re not fixed-wing aircraft,” Lozier observed. “They’re quite […]

Read More from A&S in the News: Feb. 4–10

A&S in the News: Jan. 28–Feb. 3, 2017

Déjà Vu? Ocean Warmth Melted Ancient West Antarctic Ice Shelf EOS News – Jan. 31 Scientists sailing on a research cruise in the Amundsen Sea, off the coast of western Antarctica, have found evidence of massive, ancient loss of an ice shelf in the region, resulting from contact with warmer seawater. Seafloor sediment cores the team collected in front of the current Cosgrove Ice Shelf indicate that relatively warm ocean water under-melted a vast ice shelf about 2000 years ago, […]

Read More from A&S in the News: Jan. 28–Feb. 3, 2017

A&S in the News: Jan. 21–27, 2017

Sonic Frontiers concert set for Friday in Moody Recital Hall Tuscaloosa News – Jan. 24 An electronic music pioneer will be featured Friday as part of the University of Alabama’s Sonic Frontiers concert series. Tim Perkis, who has worked in the medium of live electronic and computer sound since the 1970s, will perform beginning at 7:30 p.m. at UA’s School of Music Moody Recital Hall, 810 Second Ave. How partisanship came to rule American politics – Jan. 22 During […]

Read More from A&S in the News: Jan. 21–27, 2017