Category: For Faculty

Summer Reading List 2020

What are you reading this summer? Here are six books written by A&S faculty on various topics: Educating the Empire By Sarah Steinbock-Pratt (History, In 1899, as a result of the Spanish-American War, the United States annexed and colonized the Philippine Islands. Desiring to show that its occupation would be more benevolent than other imperial powers had been, in 1901, the government sent almost one thousand American teachers to “uplift and civilize” the Filipino people. However, while the teachers […]

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Student Spring Break Extended Until March 30 as UA Transitions to Remote Learning

The University of Alabama is committed to slowing the spread of the coronavirus, while maintaining our mission of teaching, research, and service. Classes will be canceled until March 30 to allow additional time for UA to transition to an alternative mode of instruction.

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Summer Reading List 2019

As you relax during the summer months, enjoy these books written by seven A&S faculty, current and retired, from several departments: Tuscaloosa Through Time By Serena Blount (English, Over its 200 years of history, the city of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, has held a prominent position within the state, not only as home to the state’s flagship university, but also taking turns as the State Capitol, as the location for the state mental health hospital, as the site of Civil War […]

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Music Education Professor Honored with Distinguished Service Award

From the October 2018 Desktop News | Dr. Carl Hancock, a music education professor at the University, was awarded the Barbra Odom Distinguished Service Award by the Alabama Music Educators Association, a statewide organization focused on expanding music education in every age group. The award, considered the most prestigious given by the association, is presented to a person who has “clearly given very special service to AMEA,” is “clearly recognizable statewide,” and whose service “represents a long-range commitment that, in every way, […]

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