A&S in the News: April 16-22, 2023

Notre Dame Cathedral

Effort aims to return fire-damaged Notre Dame Cathedral to its original glory: Tuscaloosa News – April 16

… Jennifer Feltman, a professor at The University of Alabama, is assisting with the study of the sculptures on the exterior of the famed church said, “When the roof caught fire, it vaporized the lead. That all came down and settled in the cathedral. Any time I go into the cathedral now, I have to wear a special suit. They are very careful about protecting people who are in the site. They do have us wear special white suits and you take a shower on the way out. None of your clothes come in or out with you. You wear the special clothes they give you then you just throw them away.”
Tech Today News

Red Rook Press

University of Alabama launches student-led book publishing project, Red Rook Press: Tuscaloosa News – April 19

Last fall, Red Rook Press didn’t even have a name, just a concept, and an unexpectedly large group of University of Alabama undergraduate volunteers turning up for hands-on experience in publishing, diving into acquisition, editing, design, production and marketing.

Crime-Based Media

Opinion | If it bleeds, it leads: glamorizing crime in the media and its adverse effects: The Crimson White – April 19

… “A large body of research has established that viewing crime-based media broadly increases fear of crime,” said Matthew Dolliver, an associate professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice. “This is particularly interesting because we also know that, according to a number of sources, including the Uniform Crime Reporting and National Crime Victimization Survey, violent crime, in particular, has been in steady decline over the past several years.”


My unexpected cure for burnout: The Chronicle of Higher Education – April 20

… Surprisingly, what cured my pessimism about the possibilities of the classroom was not the sabbatical at all. It was the students themselves who gave me hope again. Bless their hearts (as we say down here in Alabama), they helped me to reforge a connection where I least expected to find it: through a mutual love of books… Catherine M. Roach is a professor of gender and culture studies in New College of The University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa.

“African Village in America”

UA-created digital exhibition of Alabama artist publicly available: Tuscaloosa Patch – April 21

A project by researchers at The University of Alabama to digitally display and preserve the work and stories of a well-regarded Birmingham artist has launched, drawing international attention.