Tag: Department of Geological Sciences

Doctoral Student Selected for Prestigious Marine Policy Fellowship

Christine Bassett

From the September 2019 Desktop News | Geosciences Ph.D. candidate, Christine Bassett, was recently selected as a member of the 2020 class for the John A. Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship program. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s highly-competitive Sea Grant fellowship links science with public policy, and pairs fellows with agencies and elected officials to conduct scientific research, develop policy, and guide decision-making in the nation’s capital. After an extensive application process and two attempts at applying, Basset was selected […]

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Breaking the Ice: Taking a Non-traditional Approach to Academia

Victoria Fitzgerald on the ITGC's research facility in Antarctica (Credit: Victoria Fitzgerald).

From the June 2019 Desktop News | When Victoria Fitzgerald arrived at UA to begin her PhD in January, she thought she would spend most of her time studying the Jurassic Period eolian rock formations of Alabama, extending her master’s program research. She thought most of her time would be spent in the Center for Sedimentary Basin Studies in Tuscaloosa or at the state geological survey, able to drive home to her family in no time. She never thought she […]

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UA Researchers Attempt To Understand How Mobile Bay Deals With Excess Nutrients

University of Alabama Ph.D. student Daniel Agustin Montiel Martin, from Spain, working in the Mobile Bay of Alabama to research Submarine Groundwater Discharge.

From the September 2018 Desktop News | Nutrients. Just the word sounds good. Wholesome. We want food packed with nutrients. Everything a growing child needs. Junk food doesn’t have nutrients, we believe. Nutrient-rich food keeps us healthy. More than just our bodies thrive on nutrients. At its foundation, the world’s ecosystem is based on the consumption of nutrients that begins with tiny plant and animal life in water. Without nutrients, life does not thrive. However, excess nutrients, the inverse, can be […]

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