Tag: Department of Communicative Disorders

Student Represents Team USA in Paralympic Games

Shelby Baron

From the October 2016 Desktop News | Shelby Baron was helping unload cars during freshman move-in day at The University of Alabama when she got a call from Team USA wheelchair tennis coach Dan James. It was Aug. 12, her 22nd birthday, so Baron thought James was calling to wish her a happy birthday. “He said, ‘You want the good news or bad news?’” Baron said. “I was confused, but I took the bad news first. He said, ‘We didn’t order […]

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Communicating Over Coffee: Coffee Shop Restores Confidence after Brain Injury

From the 2016 Celebrating Excellence | Prior to her stroke, Nancy Taylor, a client at the Speech and Hearing Center at The University of Alabama, loved learning. She was social and vibrant, and then one day—the day she had her stroke—she lost her ability to talk. “I feel like I’ve had to do life over,” Taylor said. “People treated me like I was handicapped, but I’m just trying to find my words.” Taylor has aphasia, an acquired language disorder, and […]

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Hear Here Alabama

[cycloneslider id=”hear-here”] From the August 2015 Desktop News | “Can you hear me now?” OK, that may not be exactly what Dr. Marcia Hay-McCutcheon asks patients as part of the new Hear Here Alabama project in the College of Arts and Sciences, but it’s pretty close. Hay-McCutcheon, an associate professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders, will lead the project as she drives a mobile hearing center—a large, motorcoach-like vehicle—into areas of West Alabama to test patients’ hearing, at no […]

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Presenting Undergraduate Research

From the June 2015 Desktop News | Five undergraduates in the College of Arts and Sciences presented their research findings April 16-18 at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research. The annual event, held this year at Eastern Washington University, is dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship and creative activity in all fields of study. Arts and Sciences students who presented are: Christine Kim, psychology of Auburn; Taylor Sheeran, English and communication studies, San Antonio, Texas; Erin Hein, biochemistry and art history, […]

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Autism Research Leads to App Development

From the November 2013 Desktop News | Over the years, a range of methods and techniques have been developed to help children diagnosed with autism enhance their social skills. Now, thanks to research done by Dr. Angela Barber, an assistant professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders who specializes in autism spectrum disorders, students in UA’s Emerging Scholars program, and other UA faculty, there’s an app for that. The smart phone app is designed to boost the interpersonal communication skills of children […]

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Communicative Disorders Celebrates 75 Years

Department’s Program Is Oldest of Its Kind in Alabama From the May 2013 Desktop News | This year marks the 75th anniversary of the Department of Communicative Disorders and its Speech and Hearing Clinic, the state’s oldest clinic that serves more than 9,000 Alabamians each year. As part of a series of anniversary events, the department will host a colloquium on May 18 that will address the legacy of the program and its impact on the knowledge of students in the field […]

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Event Showcases Faculty Research

Researchers, Scholars Will Present Work at April 23 Conference  College of Arts and Sciences faculty will present their work on a variety of research and scholarly topics at the College of Arts and Sciences 2013 Academies Conference, Tuesday, April 23, from 1 to 4:30 p.m. in the Birmingham Room of the Bryant Conference Center, 40 Paul W Bryant Dr., adjacent to the UA campus. The presentations focus on research that has received funding from the College of Arts and Sciences Academy […]

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Memorial Fund Honors Cherished Faculty Member

A memorial fund has been established in honor of Dr. Karen Steckol, a professor in the Department of Communicative Disorders who died in November 2011 after a three-year struggle with cancer. In addition to serving as department chair, Steckol was clinical director of UA’s Speech and Hearing Clinic, Alabama’s oldest audiology clinic, which serves more than 9,000 Alabamians each year. During her tenure and with the help of the faculty, clinical services such as an autism clinic for babies and […]

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