Category: Research

News about Research

Grasping Antibiotic Resistance Goal of UA, Spring Hill College Project

  Dr. Jack Dunkle From the April 2018 Desktop News | A key to combating the rise of bacteria with resistance to antibiotics is grasping how bacteria ward off the drugs. With a new grant from the National Institutes of Health, researchers at The University of Alabama and Spring Hill College hope their study of a common defense mechanism in bacteria will further development of therapies that could give a class of antibiotics a leg up in the microbial battle. “If we […]

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Tweaking Therapy for Disadvantaged Patients Improves Chronic Pain

From the April 2018 Desktop News |  Adapting cognitive behavioral therapy and group pain education for disadvantaged patients improved their chronic pain, according to a study led by psychologists at The University of Alabama. It is the first rigorous trial to test if cognitive behavioral therapy is effective for patients of low socioeconomic status.Held at community health clinics serving low-income patients in mostly rural areas of Alabama, the study set out to find if simplifying cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, and […]

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Partnership Brings UA, Pakistan Researchers Together

From the April 2018 Desktop News | A professor at The University of Alabama is part of an international team performing geological research in northeast Pakistan aiming to understand where possible oil and gas deposits reside beneath the surface. Dr. Delores M. Robinson, UA professor of geological sciences, joined a researcher from Pakistan to discover potential of hydrocarbon at the base of the Himalayas. The project is part of the U.S.-Pakistan Science and Technology Cooperation Program, co-funded by the Department of State […]

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UA Book Helps Solve 87-Year-Old Fossil Mystery

From the March 2018 Desktop News | In the world of paleontology, mysteries abound. Apart from questions about their makers, fossils sometimes create their own mysteries after they are collected. The 2016 University of Alabama Press book, Footprints in Stone: Fossil Traces of Coal-Age Tetrapods, recently helped solve a mystery at the American Museum of Natural History, AMNH, in New York City. The book was co-written by Dr.  Ronald J. Buta, UA professor of astronomy, and Dr. David C. Kopaska-Merkel, section chief […]

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Professor Publishes Book on WWI with Oxford University Press

From the March 2018 Desktop News | Dr. Andrew J. Huebner, an associate professor of history, recently published a book with Oxford University Press titled Love and Death in the Great War. Through the use of real stories and letters exchanged between loved ones, the book delves into the intricate relationship between World War I propaganda and the lived experience of the war itself. “I’ve been interested for as long as I can remember in the study of what we call ‘war […]

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UA Professor Publishes Book to Advance Earthquake Research

From the March 2018 Desktop News |Dr. Ibrahim Çemen, a UA professor of geology, recently published a book, Neotectonics and Earthquake Potential of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, detailing his research on earthquakes in the Eastern Mediterranean Region. Çemen, who specializes in structural and earthquake geology, said that the book grew out of a research symposium organized as part of the American Geophysical Union (AGU) annual meeting in San Francisco in 2013. Because of the high interest in the symposium, Dr. Çemen […]

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