Category: Research

News about Research

The Buzz

Dr. Jeffrey Lozier poses with a butterfly net.

From the Winter 2019 Collegian | Outside of Dr. Jeffrey Lozier’s tent in the mountains of Sequoia National Park, a fresh layer of snow awaits the group of scientists about to embark on their day’s journey. The below-freezing temperatures and few flakes still falling make it difficult to leave the minimal warmth of his polyester shelter, even in layers of heavy clothes. In this cold climate, it’s difficult to remember that it’s the middle of May. There’s nothing remotely resembling […]

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UA Physics Professor Receives $1.2 Million Grant from Department of Energy

From the October 2019 Desktop News | UA physics professor Dr. Andreas Piepke recently received a grant of $1.2 million from the U.S. Department of Energy to explore the fundamental questions that have baffled physicists for decades. Piepke and his team study neutrinos, a type of subatomic particle that’s unique for its lack of an electric charge. “All other fundamental constituents of matter carry an electrical charge, and their antimatter particle is the opposite charge,” Piepke said. “But neutrinos are […]

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UA Grad Student Assists Faculty in Virtual ‘Shoot/Don’t Shoot’ Research

Rachel Paulk has worked with Dr. Ryan Cook, assistant professor of educational studies, psychology, research methodology and counseling, and Dr. Diana Dolliver, associate professor of criminology and criminal justice, in gathering officers’ responses and neural data during virtual interactions with civilians.

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