Category: News

Articles about news in the College, from student and faculty accomplishments to research advances, new academic programs, and the impact of giving.

Message from the Dean: Meet the A&S Diversity Committee

I am pleased to welcome the newest members of the A&S Diversity Committee. While the College has had a Diversity Committee since 2000, the service terms ended for many of its members this year. After receiving many thoughtful and solutions-oriented responses to my message from early June, I took the opportunity to expand the committee to encompass this eagerness and to better reflect the College as a whole. You’ll notice the addition of students and staff members to this group, […]

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Making a Polar Impact

A student standing in front of an iceburg.

From the September 2020 Desktop News | Asmara Lehrmann is deeply connected to all sides of her identity. A PhD student in geology at The University of Alabama with a passion for paleontology and climate change, her geologist father and Indonesian-immigrant mother both influenced the path she’s on today. “My mother’s family lives in Jakarta, which is a city on the coast that’s actually subsiding,” Lehrmann said. “The city is literally sinking, the sea level is rising, and I would […]

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Media and the Public Opinion of Torture

From the September 2020 Desktop News | According to Dr. Erin Kearns, an assistant professor in the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice at The University of Alabama, recent polls say that about half of adults in the United States think torture is acceptable in counterterrorism. The academic understanding is that torture is not effective, so why does the American public think this way? In her new book Tortured Logic, Kearns and her coauthor, American University professor Joseph Young, explore […]

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Department of Gender and Race Studies Recognized for Graduate Student Food Bank

From the September 2020 Desktop News | When COVID-19 hit the United States and temporarily closed many restaurants, bars, and stores in March, Dr. Utz McKnight realized that many graduate students in the UA community would lose their main source of income. Because of this, he wanted to find a way for faculty to give back to the graduate student community. “The project was created around an idea to try and commit faculty and staff at UA to the graduate […]

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UA’s Vote Everywhere Wins Chapter of the Year

A student helps another student register to vote at a table.

From the September 2020 Desktop News | The UA chapter of Vote Everywhere was recently awarded Chapter of the Year by the group’s parent organization, the Andrew Goodman Foundation, which advocates for young people to vote and be civically engaged with their communities. The Andrew Goodman Foundation was established in honor of Andrew Goodman, a college student who was part of the Freedom Summer 1964 to register African Americans to vote. On his first day in Mississippi, Goodman and two […]

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