A&S in the News: September 20-26, 2020

English Building

The name “Morgan” removed from Morgan Hall; now known as the English Building: WVUA – Sept. 18

This morning, the words “Morgan Hall” are no longer attached to the building on the The University of Alabama campus. This after a unanimous vote yesterday to remove the name of John Tyler Morgan who served as a general in the Confederate Army, and was a Grand Dragon of the KKK. That building for now, is named “English Building” until a permanent, new name can be established.
Delaware Online
Green Bay Press Gazette

Opera Theatre

Alabama opera ‘Let Us Now Praise Famous Men’ makes television premiere: Yellowhammer – Sept. 20

“Let Us Now Praise Famous Men,” an original opera by Alabama composer Joseph Landers based on the classic book of the same name by author James Agee, was received with acclaim at its October 2019 debut performance as part of the state’s bicentennial celebration. On Sunday, Sept. 20 at 2 p.m., Alabama Public Television will broadcast and livestream the opera, performed by The University of Alabama Opera Theater in collaboration with the Tuscaloosa Symphony Orchestra at the Moody Concert Hall.

Million Dollar Band

Petition started in hopes of allowing members of The University of Alabama’s Million Dollar Band to attend all home games: Nick 97.5 – Sept. 20

The University of Alabama recently announced it will limit the number of Million Dollar Band members who are allowed inside of Bryant-Denny Stadium in an effort to enforce social distancing to prevent the spread of the novel Coronavirus. This new restriction means that most of the MDB members will only be allowed to attend one game.
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Vote Everywhere UA

UA groups come together to ‘Get Out the Vote’: Fox 6 – Sept. 22

Today, in case you didn’t know, is National Voter Registration Day. Several groups on The University of Alabama campus, including the group Vote Everywhere UA, teaming up to educate people about voting. There will be a virtual meeting on Zoom from 8 to 5, where experts will answer questions.

Drought Vulnerability

Which states are most prone to see a drought?: Weather Nation – Sept. 22

If asked where in the United States is most vulnerable to drought, you might point to those states in the West currently suffering under hot and dry conditions and raging wildfires. However, according to a new NOAA-funded assessment, what makes a state vulnerable is driven by more than just a lack of rain: it’s a combination of how susceptible a state is to drought and whether it’s prepared for impacts. his research was led by Johanna Engström, Keighobad Jafarzadegan, and Hamid Moradkhani from The University of Alabama and funded in part by NOAA’s Climate Program Office through its Modeling, Analysis, Predictions, and Projection (MAPP) program.

River Ecosystems

Ambitious project spanning 5 states, 8 institutions will focus on intermittent streams: Science Magazine – Sept. 23

Burgin’s collaborators in three regions of study across the U.S. will help to create a network of instrumented field sites designed to generate “big data” to quantify flow intermittency, microbiome structure and activity, and biogeochemical processes. “At The University of Alabama, we’re excited to incorporate intermittent streams into our river ecosystem research program,” said primary investigator Carla Atkinson, associate professor of biological sciences at UA. “Alabama is home to a wide range of important water resources. As the state transitions from Appalachia to coastal lowlands, our rivers and streams support one of the most diverse aquatic ecosystems in the world.


The neocon roots of our current crisis: American Greatness – Sept. 24

Putting aside that neocons actively and successfully purged much of the traditionalist Right from establishment circles—which Gottfried closely chronicles in his second essay—the notion that Trump somehow could sully or subvert American conservatism is belied by polls showing what average conservatives actually think and care about. As University of Alabama political scientist George Hawley points out in his chapter, the majority of conservatives thought invading Iraq was a serious mistake and believe that hiking taxes against the wealthiest elite is far from a terrible idea.

Voting Rights

She marched in Selma as a young girl. Now she’s seeing history repeat on voting rights.: CNN – Sept. 25

The answers were “impossible to know unless you were a civics genius,” changed frequently and varied by county — all in “in a concerted effort to make it as difficult as possible for individuals to pass,” said John Giggie, who directs of the Frances J. Summersell Center for the Study of the South at The University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa.
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