A&S in the News: May 12-18, 2019

Public Art Project

Artist decorates Egan’s Bar wall as part of public art project: Tuscaloosa News – May 12

Like most art, Jason Tetlak’s mural along the exterior wall of Egan’s rewards engagement. To those approaching down University Boulevard, along The Strip, its vivid gradations of purple, violet, red, blue, yellow, orange and greens appear first as abstract geometrics … Following a 2017 trip to Greenville, S.C., including businesspeople, artists, art lovers and promoters, to witness how public art can help enliven and even revive areas, the city formulated its public art plans, led by Wolfe and: Craig Wedderspoon, sculptor and University of Alabama professor of art.

School Shootings

Denver area sees more school shootings by population than nation’s largest metro areas, analysis shows: Denver Post – May 12

During a 6 a.m. news conference the day after Colorado’s latest school shooting, District Attorney George Brauchler made a point of declaring the tragedies that have rocked the area in recent years don’t define the “kind, compassionate, caring people” who live here … The Columbine massacre still casts a long shadow, and people who become obsessed with the shooting have raised alarms when they come to Colorado for “inspiration,” said Adam Lankford, a professor of criminology who studies mass shootings at The University of Alabama.
San Jose Mercury News (California) – May 12
East Bay Times (California) – May 12

Bama Belle

Bama Belle, Pickett Hastings will face off in paddlewheel boat race Saturday: Tuscaloosa News – May 13

A champion will face off against a first-time contender in a paddlewheel boat race on Saturday in connection with Tuscaloosa’s ongoing bicentennial celebration. The race is a family-friendly event meant to recall the importance of river commerce and travel in the city’s early history … The University of Alabama’s Mildred Westervelt Warner Transportation Museum will be open during the event.
National Post – May 13
Charlotte Observer – May 13
Regina Leader-Post (Canada) – May 13
Al.com – May 14

Thwaites Glacier

Is Thwaites Glacier condemned? Scientists compete against time to find out: Tech 2 Org – May 13

PEther Sheehan, an oceanographer at Nathaniel B. Palmer, was one of the first people on Earth to get this view of the Thwaites Glacier, the part that protrudes from the sea … To read about the glacier’s past, sedimentologist Becky Minzoni of The University of Alabama is examining samples of the seabed in front of Thwaites.
Daily Heralds – May 13
News Live – May 13

Email Tips

Three email tips to impress the press: Progressions – May 14

It is inbox overload in the first 60 seconds of a journalist’s workday. From follow-ups to bizarre requests, reporters are inundated with messages that most of them are not even interested in covering. Over time, their tolerance fades for wayward story pitches. I hate to break it to you but journalists aren’t going to give an average Joe their time. (From Clermont, Florida, Michaela McLean is a senior double majoring in Dance and Public Relations at The University of Alabama.)

Instagram Photos

The problem with posting Instagram photos of your kids: Fatherly – May 14

Is it ethical to post photos of your kids to social media? At least at first, anyway, most parents treat Instagram or other social media the same way previous generations did frames, scrapbooks, or carousel slide shows: as a way of capturing a fleeting moment of joy they want to remember and share with others … The University of Alabama philosophy professor emeritus literally wrote the book on ethical parenting (2010’s The Ethics of Parenthood).

Anti-Abortion Legislation

Revealed: nine more US states considering hardline anti-abortion bills: The Guardian – May 15

Anti-abortion legislation that copies a controversial bill recently passed into law in Georgia is being considered by lawmakers in nine other states across the country, according to pro-choice campaigners monitoring the spread of such laws in the US … George Hawley, who teaches political science and researches rightwing politics and religion at The University of Alabama, agrees that anti-abortion forces have sensed they have a vital moment of opportunity under the Trump administration.

UA Bee Club

UA Bee Club wants a friendlier world for the bees: WTVY (Dothan) – May 15

Sitting in a field of white and crimson clovers at the UA Arboretum, students Jenna Minser and Harris Bolus flash dimpled smiles as the sun’s warm rays bathe the exposed skin of their arms and faces.

2020 Presidential Election

UA political science professor Allen Linken comments on 2020 presidential election (Live Interview): Fox 6 (Birmingham) – May 16

But is it Joe Biden’s race to lose? Joining us with analysis on that is political science professor at The University of Alabama, Dr. Allen Linken. In the latest polling, former Vice President Joe Biden has not only maintained the initial bounce he got after announcing, he is leading the democratic field by a substantial margin.

Abortion Debate

The new abortion ban provides one exception: A UA professor explains it: WVUA (Tuscaloosa) – May 16

On the heels of Gov. Kay Ivey signing Alabama’s Human Life Protection Act into law, the debate over abortion rages on …Allen Linken, an attorney and professor of political science at The University of Alabama, said the law is designed to challenge the United States’ 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
NBC 13 (Birmingham) – May 16
CBS 42 (Birmingham) – May 16

Deep-Red Alabama

In deep-red Alabama, would more women in the legislature have made a difference in the heated abortion debate?: Washington Post – May 17

Regina Wagner, a political-science professor at The University of Alabama, said that “being conservative was the more important, more dominant aspect” for the Republican women in the state legislature, who all backed the bill, which only allows abortions when the woman faces a serious health risk. Republican women don’t always mirror their male counterparts’ policy priorities, including on the issue of abortion, Wagner says. In previous research, she said, Republican lawmakers she’s interviewed for previous research have avoided the issue of abortion, focusing instead on child care or discrimination in the workplace. Others take offense that abortion is set aside as a “women’s issue.”

Student with Autism Gives Commencement Address

He couldn’t speak as a child. Now this autistic student is giving a commencement address: Los Angeles Time – May 17

When Bruno Youn was 3 years old, his mother noticed something was off about her firstborn son. He could parrot what he heard. He could remember and recite poetry. But he could not string together words to communicate his own thoughts … Among those without intellectual disabilities, only about half pursue college, with most attending community colleges and having difficulty transferring to four-year universities, said Susan White, a University of Alabama psychology professor who specializes in studying autism.
Miami Herald – May 17
Sacramento Bee (California) – May 17
Finger Lake Times (Geneva, New York) – May 17
News Bug – May 17

American Civil War Museum

Appomattox exhibit focuses on experience of newly freed slaves: The News & Advance (Lynchburg, Virginia) – May 18

A simple silhouette, belonging to a former slave named Fannie Berry, is among the recurring motifs in The American Civil War Museum at Appomattox’s latest exhibit, “Enacting Freedom: Black Virginians in the Age of Emancipation.” … The exhibition opened in April during commemoration activities for Gen. Robert E. Lee’s surrender in Appomattox, and a related lecture, given by The University of Alabama’s Hilary Green about African-American education after the Civil War, will be held at the museum Thursday.