Emergency Operations Plan

Effective October 12, 2005 | Links updated on this page April 3, 2018

NOTE: This plan is also available for download: Emergency Operations Plan (PDF).

A. College of Arts and Sciences

The Office of the Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, in accordance with The University of Alabama’s Emergency Operation Plan, shall be responsible for developing, implementing, and evaluating its Emergency Operations Plan for its faculty, staff, students, buildings and facilities. The Dean may appoint members to an Emergency Operations Planning Committee to assist in these efforts. In addition, the Dean shall form an Emergency Team whose members shall be responsible for implementing the provisions of responding to specific emergency situations. This document outlines the College’s Emergency Operations Plan. The Plan identifies the College’s buildings and facilities, as well as the building representatives (see attachment). Emergency Team members are identified. Guidelines for responding to specific emergency situations are presented. Further, the Office of the Dean recognizes that each of its many buildings and facilities are unique. As such, the Plan includes guidelines for departments to develop their own documents in responding to specific emergency situations (The University of Alabama, Emergency Operations Plan).

B. Emergency Team

The College of Arts and Sciences’ Emergency Team shall consist of the following members, with the indicated responsibilities:

1. Dean

The Dean shall be the Academic Unit Coordinator. The Dean, or his or her alternate, shall be responsible for notifying departments and building representatives of specific emergencies, such as tornadoes. The Dean, or his or her alternate, shall instruct such persons to implement the provisions for responding to a given emergency.

2. Chairs/Directors

Department chairs/directors or their designees are responsible for notifying their respective faculty, staff, and students of specific emergencies. Department chairs/directors or their designees are also responsible for notifying the Office of the Dean of specific emergencies in their buildings. In addition, department chairs/directors or their designees are also responsible for notifying their respective faculty, staff, and students and the Office of the Dean when emergencies in their buildings no longer exist.

C. Emergency Situations

1. Tornado Warning

Each department must have a functional weather radio provided by the college. The weather radio must be monitored during inclement weather. All College of Arts and Sciences’ buildings must have tornado warning signs conspicuously posted throughout the buildings, informing the occupants where to go in case of a tornado warning. Department chairs/directors are responsible for making sure tornado warning signs are properly and adequately posted in their areas. Department chairs/directors are also responsible for instructing their faculty, staff and students on the proper procedures to follow during a tornado warning. In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar; sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories (The University of Alabama, Severe Weather Guidelines, March 2005). Department chairs/directors or their designees should take the weather radio to the designated location of safety. Classes in session when the tornado warning is issued can resume immediately after the warning has expired at the discretion of the instructor. Classes that have not yet begun will resume 30 minutes after the tornado warning has expired provided at least half of the class period remains (The University of Alabama, Severe Weather Guidelines, March 2005).

For additional tornado safety rules, please go to https://ready.ua.edu/tornadoes/.

2. Storm Warnings

In the event of a severe storm, the President and/or Vice President and Provost are the only two officials authorized to cancel classes and close the university. If one of these two officials announces the cancellation of classes during normal business hours, the Dean, or his or her alternate, is responsible for communicating this message to all department chairs/directors. During normal business hours, department chairs/directors are responsible for relaying this message to their respective faculty, staff, and students. During non-business hours, the cancellation of classes and university closing are also announced on local radio and television broadcast stations, as well as on the university’s web site.

3. Transportation Accidents

All transportation accidents occurring on university property shall be promptly reported to The University of Alabama, Department of Public Safety, by calling 348-5454.

4. Hazardous Materials

Department chairs/directors are responsible for notifying the Office of Environmental Health and Safety of any hazardous materials stored in their buildings or used by their faculty, staff, and students. In consultation with the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, department chairs/directors shall draft rules and regulations pertaining to the handling of all hazardous materials. In the event of an accident or spill involving hazardous materials, department chairs/directors shall immediately notify the Office of Environmental Safety, and then the Office of the Dean. For additional information about responding to accidents or spills involving hazardous materials, please go to http://ehs.ua.edu/operations/hazardous-materials/.

5. Power Outage

Department chairs/directors shall be responsible for reporting to the Office of the Dean, the Maintenance Department, and the building representative unanticipated power outages affecting their areas. In the event a power outage affects the use of elevators, it shall be determined if there are trapped individuals inside. If so, immediately contact the Department of Public Safety at 348-5454. The building representative shall also post a sign stating to the effect that the elevator is “out-of-service.”

6. Civil Disobedience or Disturbance

In the event of civil disobedience or disturbance, contact the Department of Public Safety at 348-5454, and then the Office of the Dean.

7. Earthquake

In the event of an earthquake, all occupants shall immediately evacuate buildings, move to safe areas, and avoid falling objects and glass. Elevators shall not be used when exiting the building; use the stairs. Occupants are strongly encouraged to assist each other in exiting the building. After an earthquake, the Department of Public Safety should be contacted. The Office of Environmental Safety should also be contacted if the building contains hazardous materials.

8. Fire

Department chairs/directors shall be responsible for ensuring that fire/fire alarm signs are conspicuously and adequately posted in their areas. Department chairs/directors shall also be responsible for ensuring that evacuation routes are conspicuously and adequately posted in their areas. Department chairs/directors are also responsible for making sure their faculty and staff are trained in proper fire procedures. In the event of a fire, sound the nearest fire alarm in the building, and then call 911. The call will reach the University Police. The building should be evacuated quickly and calmly. Do not use elevators to leave the building; use the stairs. Whenever possible, follow the evacuation route posted in the building. Remain outside at a safe distance (University Police, Safer Living, Help in Emergencies).

9. Criminal Behavior

Department chairs/directors shall be responsible for reporting to the appropriate office (Department of Public Safety, Student Judicial Affairs), and also to the Office of the Dean, all incidents involving criminal behavior in their affected areas.

10. Psychological Crisis

After an evaluation of the situation, during normal business hours, department chairs/directors shall be responsible for reporting to the Counseling Center, and then to the Office of the Dean, the psychological or emotional crisis of a faculty member, staff person, or student. During non-business hours, such incidents should be reported to the Department of Public Safety. The Office of the Dean should also be informed.

11. Personal Injury or Sickness

If someone on campus needs emergency medical care, call 911. The call will reach the University Police. Department chairs/directors are responsible for reporting all on-the-job injuries or disabilities suffered by their employees or persons under their supervision to the Office of Environmental Health and Safety, regardless of the severity of the injuries. Injured employees are required to use the service of the Capstone Medical Center, except for extensive or major injuries or disabilities which require a greater degree of care than the Capstone Medical Center can provide. Such cases should be referred directly to DCH Regional Medical Center Emergency Room. If the Capstone Medical Center is closed at the time of the injury, the employee can go directly to DCH Regional Medical Center Emergency Room (Office of Risk Management, The University of Alabama, On-the-Job Injuries and Disabilities, Policies and Procedures). For additional information about responding to medical emergencies, please go to https://saferliving.ua.edu/emergency-preparedness-and-response/help-in-emergencies/.

12. Death

In the event of a death on campus, call the Department of Public Safety at 348-5454. In addition, department chairs/directors are responsible for reporting to the Office of the Dean the death of a person that occurs in their affected areas.

D. Departmental Emergency Operations Plans

Department chairs /directors (The University of Alabama, Emergency Operations Plan) shall be responsible for developing and submitting to the Office of the Dean, an emergency plan specific to their building and affected areas. The departmental plan shall be posted in a venue available and accessible to the public, including the departmental web site, and shall be distributed to the faculty and staff at least once a year. The plan must contain sections which address the following: fire, inclement weather, winter storms, transportation accident, illness/injury, hazardous material spill, power outage, civil disturbance, and earthquake (UA Hazardous Material Security and Emergency Plan: Modular Version, 2005). The following is information that should be included in the plan:


In the event of a fire, sound the nearest fire alarm in the building, and then call 911. The call will reach the University Police. The building should be evacuated quickly and calmly. Do not use elevators to leave the building; use the stairs. Whenever possible, follow the evacuation route posted in the building. Remain outside at a safe distance. Evacuation routes and diagrams are posted in the following areas: (list of posting locations)

Tornado Warning

In the case of a tornado warning (tornado has been sighted or detected by radar; sirens activated), all university activities are automatically suspended, including all classes and laboratories. Do not leave the building. Occupants should move to (list of locations).

For additional tornado safety rules, please go to https://ready.ua.edu/tornadoes/.


In the event of a storm, listen to local radio and television broadcast stations, and contact the following offices for information about the cancellation of classes and university closing:

  • Department Office 348-
  • Office of the Dean 348-7007
  • Environmental and Health Safety 348-5905
  • University Police Department 348-5454

Transportation Accidents

All transportation accidents occurring on university property shall be promptly reported to The University of Alabama, Department of Public Safety, by calling 348-5454.

Personal Injury or Sickness

If someone on campus needs emergency medical care, call 911. The call will reach the University Police. On-the-job injury reports are available from (name of individual) in room (individual’s office location). Student/visitor injury reports (non-employee reports) are available from (name of individual) in room (individual’s office location).

Hazardous Materials Spill

In the event of a hazardous material spill or accident, immediately contact the following offices:

  • Environmental Health and Safety 348-5905
  • Department Office 348-
  • Office of the Dean 348-7007

Power Outage

Do not use the elevators; use the stairs. Contact the following offices regarding the power outage:

  • Department Office 348-
  • Maintenance Department 348-
  • Office of the Dean 348-7007
  • University Police Department 348-5454
  • Environmental Health and Safety 348-5905

Civil Disturbance

Contact the University Police Department at 348-5454.


In the event of an earthquake, the siren at Gorgas Library will be activated. All occupants shall immediately evacuate buildings, move to safe areas, and avoid falling objects and glass. Elevators shall not be used when exiting the building; use the stairs. Occupants are strongly encouraged to assist each other in exiting the building. After an earthquake, the Department of Public Safety (348-5454) should be contacted. The Office of Environmental Health and Safety (348-5905) should also be contacted if the building contains hazardous materials.