A&S in the News: March 22-28, 2020

Remote Learning

The Zoom where it happens: University theatre programs quickly adjust to remote learning in the age of COVID-19: American Theatre – March 23

At The University of Alabama, the musical theatre students will be keeping up with voice lessons with instructors through Zoom and FaceTime, with the help of  apps such as Appcompanist. Stacy Alley, the head of the musical theatre program, will be sending her dance students recorded choreography to learn, and challenging them to create dances based on particular rhythms. “We also have been discussing the importance of meeting together and having that communal experience, rather than just me sending out a video,” says Alley, who is also the president of the Musical Theatre Education Alliance.

Leave It To Us

Michael Arundel
Michael Arundel

UA student starts Leave It To Us organization: Today – March 24

University of Alabama student Michael Arundel had returned to his family’s home in Orland Park. Now confined and concerned for his community. “I think we are all looking for something to do during this time and I felt this would be the best use of our time.
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Educational Museum Content

University of Alabama Museums go online

Alabama Newscenter – March 28

People of all ages are looking for quality online content as a way to stay engaged and connected during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although The University of Alabama (UA) Museums are closed, they began livestreaming educational content March 27.

Responding to New Crisis

How Tuscaloosa’s responding to new crisis with lessons from 2011 tornado: Al.com – March 30

The City of Tuscaloosa knows a little something about sudden economic shock… Every month without students on campus is a $2.5 million tax hit, Maddox said. Should this extend six months, “you begin to rethink a lot of the priorities that you have in the city,” Maddox said.